Our Services

What we do…

We provide coaching sessions with music industry professionals no matter where you are in your journey. We help with navigating decisions on branding, social media execution, investor and funding strategies, finding quality work, balancing music with work and life so there is no working around the clock. Our mission is to help musicians lead a healthy life with a successful career. Let us help.

Choose the Right Session for You

Music Business Coaching Session

Gain perspective on YOUR music career and not a set of guidelines for everyone to follow. Every musician is at a different phase in their career and we all have different strengths and weaknesses. Instead of giving you an overarching road map to follow, we dig deep into the elements of your current career path to decide what new path works best for your career. 30 minute sessions are available at your discretion so contact us today to set up your one-on-one session.

Coaching Bundle - 6 x Sessions

You can choose our bundle package which gives you 2 x :60 minute sessions and 4 x :30 minute sessions which will automatically discount the overall price. Clients can choose to schedule these per week or every two weeks. This is best recommended for musicians with a very busy schedule but would like to have several sessions.

Monthly and Annual Sessions

This is recommended for clients that would like to have a regular scheduled session. Monthly sessions are scheduled once a week at a minimum of 3 x months and for annual sessions it is based on 1 x session a week for 48 weeks. Pricing is specialized for these options so please inquire at info@musicworklife.com.

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